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百恒网络与KY Model达成网页设计协议!

百恒网络 2010-10-04 6693

KY Model is an innovative manufacturer of Marine Models.

KY Model had been established over ten years in China as a wooden historic model ship and R/C boat manufacturer with museum quality finished models and semi-kits.

Our distinguished craftsman team had been the OEM supplier of historic tall ship model semi-kits and high ends R/C Pre-build crafts to most famous model manufacturers in Europe.

It is our passion to combine our experienced craftsmanship with modern sophisticated IT and Laser technology to produce model boats from sketch and blueprints with final research from authorized maritime resources.

A complete line of Pre-build products and Semi-kits by KY

Model includes: Wooden Historic ships, WW I and WWII Warships, Modern destroyers and cruisers,Fast Torpedo Boats, Merchant Ships, Harbour Workboats, Sail Boats and the once dominant US wooden Runabouts and Cruisers.

The Pre-build models are Almost-Ready-to-Run with patented double planked fibreglass hull and Styrene Superstructure assembled in our workshop completed with drive-gears, brass etched finishing and resin fittings. All models are ready to display or run with the choice of R/C control equipment that comes in as optional Combo.

It is our innovative idea to supply the model boat market with showroom quality Finished Products and expand the complex market segment to in-experienced beginners and R/C modelers at the most reasonable and affordable price range.

As the high quality model ship manufacturer,KY Model is heartily looking forward to collaborate with friends and wholesalers from all over the world!




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